For the Japanese, it is not spring till they have seen the first cherry blossom
and it is not summer till they have heard the cicadas sing.
you would wake up with blissful silence around you till one day you
are rudely shaken out of deep slumber by a sound that is similar to the sound your
grandfather's ancient alarm clock made back in India. This is the cicadas
tuning up for their summer concert. All through the summer, you will hear this
sharp, drill-like noise till the entire island is positively vibrating with it.
A sound that I loath because not only do I find the sound highly annoying but it
also signifies the beginning of one season I detest the most in Japan – Summer.
The sound besides the sound of the water are the cicadas and their symphony.
It rains non stop all through June and July and Japan is perpetually hidden behind a
layer of rain and mist, making everything seem all mysterious and surreal. But as soon as August begins,
the rains suddenly disappear to be replaced by clear untarnished blue skies.
The sun is out in all its glory and perhaps miffed that it had to spend two
months behind clouds, now shines down with a vengeance. It rises at 4.30 am and
refuses to set before 7 pm making the day not only long but torturous for those
who need to step out. Japan being an island does not help at all as now the hot
and humid air rolls over from the Pacific so that you feel as if you are trudging through a sauna. If the sun doesn’t kill you, the humidity does.
exhaustion or Natsubate is very common in Japan, but
the Japanese being Japanese, have found several ingenious methods to deal with
the heat.
is the Fan. We have all seen pics of Japanese ladies daintily fanning themselves
with pretty paper fans. But with technology, there has come a newer version of
the good old paper fan. Come summer and shops are flooded with small battery-operated
handheld fans. You can see a lot of people walking about outside while holding
these fans close to their faces. I find it a bit silly and would prefer a
traditional fan if I must use one, but whatever works!
Portable fans at the Tokyu Hands store
interesting thing are the cooling sheets. They are small methanol gel filled sheets
that you can put on your forehead or on the back of your neck while you go
about your work. They give you an instant cool feeling. There are also special cooling
sheets you can put under the soles of your feet and on your ankles when you
have been walking a lot and your feet and tired and hot. I have tried them and now this is the first thing I stock up on as soon as summer starts.

quirky Japanese invention are the sweat pads that you put under your clothing –
usually around the armpits and they absorb all the sweat. Japanese deodorants
are usually very mild and for the life of me, I cant understand why they would
make something like these sweat pads instead of just making heavy-duty deos.
you don’t like the idea of sticking sweat pads under your clothes there is something
called the shirt spray very creatively named as 'Shirt cool'. You spray it on your clothes just before you put them
on and every time you sweat the substance in the spray reacts and gives you an instant cool
these things are displayed in shops under a sign that has a lot of ice or snow
with penguins and polar bears sliding ecstatically in it. Once you see this sign you will trip over yourself in a rush to buy all the products under it so that you can feel as cool
and happy as the polar bears.
Another interesting thing about Japan is the food. Every season they come up with some
interesting food combinations. The flavor of summer is usually mint. Everything
right from ice-cream to chocolate to cookies to coffee is mint flavored. This
year even my hairstylist offered to wash my hair with a mint shampoo.
traditional Japanese dish that I am extremely fond of eating in the summer is
zaru soba. This is cold soba noodles eaten after dipping them in a light
summerish soy broth. I find them very tasty and refreshing.
the interesting food items and ingenious inventions to beat the heat, the saving
grace in summer are the firework festivities held throughout the country.
August is also the time for the Obon festival. Obon is when the ancestors are
supposed to visit you and they are welcomed not only by solemn Buddhist
ceremonies but feisty Obon dances. This year corona has put a dampener on all
So, with not even the fireworks or the Obon dances to lure me outside,
I shall stay indoors while the summer lasts, gorging on mint ice cream and cold
soba and dreaming of October when it is pleasant once again and the leaves start
turning a reddish-golden in the anticipation of autumn.